Carolyn has published over 80 essays, articles, and reviews, online and in print. Her writing has been featured in Outside Magazine, Backcountry Magazine, The Ski Journal, SKI Magazine, Trails Magazine,, The Stio Mountain Town Journal, The Leader, the Salomon & Deuter blogs, the NOLS Blog, the Adventures Cross Country blog, the Tahoe Expedition Academy blog, the Teton Gravity Research, Outdoor Women's Alliance & SheJumps websites, as well as the anthology A Worthy Expedition: The History of NOLS, . 

Carolyn's writing has also been used in course readers on trips and expeditions through the National Outdoor Leadership School, NatureBridge, the Prescott College Outdoor Program, and Second Nature Wilderness Program

You can always crash on my couch

Outside Online

Force for good

Backcountry Magazine

how to ruin your own fun

WNDR Alpine Blog

now you see it, now you don’t

All my adventure buddies are having babies

Stio Mountain Town Journal

Stio Mountain Town Journal

Nevada’s Hidden gem

Backcountry Magazine

How to pick your people

WNDR Alpine

All in the family

Backcountry Magazine

Stio Mountain Town Journal


Trails Magazine

sounds terrible, i’m in

The future of forecasting

go your own way

Backcountry Magazine

Know Before you go

She Explores

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A tale of two volcanoes

the tiny miraculous

The Salomon Blog

coping with quarantine: outdoor skills for the great indoors

The Tahoe Expedition Academy Blog

Vulnerability in LEadership

The NOLS Blog

a grand traverse gone awry

The constructive adversity of talking about race

Tahoe Expedition Academy Blog

let it fly

The Ski Journal


Fall trail running guide

Deuter Blog

for the love the of the tour

Backcountry Magazine

Out here we do not have to go to churches and temples to pray to the idea of something greater, we can simply stand before mountains and see it.

What's your but?

REI & Outdoor Women's Alliance

use your words

The Ski Journal

from the backcountry to basecamp: how fieldwork strengthens relationships

Tahoe Expedition Academy Blog

ode to spring

The Deuter Blog


the many voices of outdoor women

Outdoor Women's Alliance

paying it forward



packing for an off-season backcountry ski mission

The Deuter Blog

tolerance for uncertainty & adversity

LEgends of the fall

Jumper profile

She Jumps

waking up in the wilderness

NOLS Blog & A Worthy Expedition: The History of NOLS

a letter to my future self


for the love of the sufferfest

That is the gift that wilderness gives us. It reminds us of who we are and pushes us to be that. You were always there, it whispers, but it provides us with the clear reflecting glass to see it. This is who you are. This is who we are. Now go. Be it. Wildly, fully, tenaciously.

reach hard for your best life

leaning in: Charging fear & freshies

I heard the whisper of or. Or, you could rise. Or, you could pay attention to how magnificent the sun on that ridge looks. Or, you could choose light and joy, regardless of the circumstances. That or is always available to us, no matter how vehemently we pretend it’s not.

sometimes the hardest part & the best part are the same

a love letter to winter

The room I’d left for magic swayed and shimmered with all it held, with all that could not have been predicted, reminding me how often we define space by its emptiness rather than its opportunity, its freedom.

the perfect combination of serious & silly

Adventures Cross Country Blog

will you do it later, or will you do it now?

how can i supPort you? the power of expedition behavior

why it's time for outdoor women to act

every step counts

You need to maintain that faith, that even when putting one foot in front of another seems like the most taxing exercise imaginable, that you must do it, and you will. That even taking tiny, slow steps out of the woods will get you back to the path. That your best life is out there for you. Eventually, you will be where you need to be. You’re already on your way there.

what would you do with your days?

embrace the uncertainty

flowing through the footholds

You must try to live a life that is expansive, that spreads you into the tiniest corners of yourself, that fills you to the brim. If you are feeling small, it is time to go.

the things we carry

I already knew how to do this. I already knew how to dig deep. I already knew that only those who were willing to wade through the suffering with a smile in their hearts would see the splendor of the mountaintop.

film review: pretty faces

film review: wild

interview: corinne prevot

interview: steph jagger

10 Tips for running your first ultramarathon

The Outbound

disconnecting to connect

Adventures Cross Country Blog

gear review: skida nordic hat

Outdoor Women's Alliance

gear review: dynafit trail dst jacket

Outdoor Women's Alliance

Credit for photos on this page (other than those taken by the author) to: Joe Connolly, Justine Cornelison, Heather Seal, Matthew Highland, Edwin LaMair, Jim Highland, Heather Domonoske, Julie Highland, Geoff Bell, Marielle Meurice, Rob Highland, Dylan Rhea-Fournier, Corinne Prevot, Steph Jagger, Misty Knight, Getty Images.